What was once considered a lost art has (as these things often do) made a re emergence as of late. With hit shows like Project Runway, DIY home decor and yes evening all this mask making. We have all been inspired to create.
As a consequence more have stepped up to teach and assist, offering tips and instructions. The virtual classroom has also grown very much in our current state of living. Seems like the best time to focus on learning something new or getting better and something you know a few things about.

So with all the available sewing classes that are online how do you decide which is best for you?
Sewing & fashion design are topics that are simply too broad, with many branches to just lump it into one term like "sewing classes".
You may find yourself really excited about the potential of learning a new skill only to be disappointed with the type of instruction you receive and how little it applies to what you actually want to learn. Furthermore, you might find instructors who do a little bit of everything, with no particular focus.
You should know, becoming great sewer/designer takes time, and lots of trial and error. There are many ways to end at a desired result. The great thing is with technology being what it is today we have access to really skillful people. So much so that idea of only being taught exclusively by professors in highly accredited prestigious schools as being the only way to acquire the knowledge you need to start a design business or even elevate your own skills is an idea of the pass.
With theses tips you can sort out the right sewing/fashion design course for you!
1.Determined what you want to learn and search that topic

So instead of typing in "sewing classes" type in "fashion design" for example. This will only give you classes strictly taught by those interested in teaching you about clothing, from a designers aspect. Here are some other main topics within fashion design you can also search for:
-Fashion Illustration
2. Determine your skill level
No, really be honest with yourself and your skill level, you may think you're advanced only to realize you are closer to intermediate. Sewing can get really, really complicated. You don't want to waste your time & money on a course that is way over your head. Or covering topics you are already familiar with. Don't be afraid to ask the teacher questions prior to signing up.
3. Purchase the course, not just the teacher

As a way of attracting students instructors often display amazing elaborate photos of intricate designs. Which can be really fun and inspiring. I encourage you to read the text see what they are offering to teach you and how the program is structured. In other words read the fine print. Sometimes the instructor is selling themselves, not what they can teach you.
4. Free is not usually Free
I see this a lot , someone list a "free" sewing class and people scramble to sign up and then it goes something like this;
A. Information they could have easily discovered with quick google search
B. It's not actually free and requires some sort of subscription sign up to access & is only "free" for 7 day days (super frustrating).
Let's say, you work really hard spend years reading, researching, trial, error, studying more studying, rinse and repeat. Would you give up all that hard earned information for free......? Yep, I didn't think so. Learning should be an investment, the knowledge you acquire can open up new doors for your future or teach you something that can help you earn money in the long run. If you can not or are not ready to commit to spending money, YouTube is a great free option but even there, there are downsides (i.e finding a competent teacher and getting "by the book" information) without scrolling through endless videos.
5. Do your research
Find an actual person for an instructor, not a company or some nameless, faceless source, dishing out videos procured from the internet or an endless sea of text.
Good instruction requires a mix of text, video demonstration, access to additional resources and yea an actual person you can talk to for follow up questions and clarification.

6. Lastly treat it like a real class
Once you have decided on what course you are going to study you've found your teacher, your "people"
Treat it like a real class! Show up ready to learn take notes block out sometime weekly, bi-weekly or if things are hectic monthly, but make it apart of your schedule to complete the course. Lifetime access should not mean it takes a lifetime to complete. Trust me you can do this!
If you have stumbled here it must mean you are interested in sewing classes and need help finding one that is right for you. So allow me to offer you a solution LAIDIECLOTH U is more than just a "how to" garment construction courses, it is a space & community where fashion lovers can learn about and celebrate fashion, via its rich history right up to its influence of todays fashion & glamour. We will cover the foundation and basics with beginner, intermediate and advanced courses of fashion design and garment making, as well as topics like "Fashion in Film", The fashion of the 1920's & 1950s and so much more!
Join me on Youtube for fun instructional fashion design, sewing and dressmaking videos
Fashion Design Templates starting as low as $1.00

Jasmine Terry-Ankobil owner and operator of LAIDIECLOTH fashion house, where I create custom designs and perform alterations for formal occasions. Online Couture Sewing School LAIDIECLOTH U. Please feel free to share this article and/or visit my site www.laidiecloth.com